We had a lovely day yesterday — a lunch out with the Preston–Leblancs and a bit of fun shopping, then an excellent evening with t! and Jan during which port was consumed, childrens’ books were read aloud, upright basses were played (well no, only one, actually), doors were fixed, and Christmas cookies were eaten. Oh, and there was Samichlaus. It was the kind of day I wish people could have more often: good food, good friends, sharing time and company. Even Liam had an awesome day, as he was in a great mood when he came home.
Today we’ll do some grocery shopping to prepare for the next week of entertaining, stop off at the bookstore (again!) for a couple of spur-of-the-moment gifts, also the pet store (because Liam absolutely must get rabbit treats for his dearest daycare buddy Boo’s stocking) (what, don’t your pets have stockings?), and I will have to stop off at the office supply store because the postman just handed me the secondhand minidisc recorder I bought through eBay, and I now require minidiscs upon which to record band and songwriting stuff!