Here I am, in Toronto. My parents were in mock miff that there was no new blog post this morning, so here. Never let it be said that I don’t fulfil my parents’ expectations.
A nice, uneventful trip from Mtl to T.O. last night; for once, it wasn’t raining. The OPP were out in force, though, as it’s a holiday weekend and the end of the month, so it took us a bit longer to get here than usual. A spectacular sunset and a fingernail’s curve of a glowing moon made up for it, though.
I had a cafe mocha for the first time on the way. Nice, but I’ll save it for days when I want coffee instead of cappucchino. It’s not quite as sweet.
Apparently my mother made deliberate mention of my “alternative religious choice” when my grandmother was down last week. She noticed a book on reincarnation my mother was reading and it turns out that she’s a firm believer in the phenomenon. It seemed like the appropriate time to bring up the deep dark family secret, so Mum began to explain the whole living with awareness thing until finally she just used the W-word. My grandmother seemed quite interested in the whole concept and agreed with several of the principles. Apparently “the Sight” has cropped up in the family line before. Go figure. That’s something I never would have known about if that particular book of my mother’s hadn’t been on the coffee table. So there — the deep dark family secret is out, and its turns out not to be such a dark subject after all.
Lovely weather down here – sunny with cloudy periods, a nice twenty-ish degrees… and absolutely no schedule to stick to. Lovely, I tell you.