Many, many thanks go out to Ceri and Scott for hosting the third annual Superhero Party, and giving me an excuse to create one of my best costumes ever. Thank you, George Perez, for coming up with a more exciting costume than the original. Whee! Here you are, complete with one of my source pictures:
More proof that I married an archetype, and not a man at all: HRH won Best Costume for his portrayal of Mike Mignola’s Hellboy.
Ad finally, rumour has it that Montreal’s F/SF bookshop never would have closed if the manager and the owner had dressed like this more often:
An excellent evening: fabulous and imaginative costumes all around; good conversation; lots of laughs. And now I have to start thinking of something for the fourth annual party. And, of course, there’s Hallowe’en first. Drat. This is the hardest part, you know: coming up with the idea.
(A veritable Who’s Who of powered persons on the guest list may be found at the Third Annual Superhero Party Gallery. Viewings of the Second and First Annual Parties are also available. All photos by Scott.)