I’ve been hoarding icons for ages, and what with a couple of computer crashes sometimes I’ve lost track of who made what. If you recognise one without attribution and know who created it, please let me know.
January 2010: I’ve cleaned up this page, tossing out a bunch of icons I don’t use. There may be a post or two from way back that used an icon that’s no longer here, so if you come here looking for it and don’t find it, it means I lost track of what posts used what icon.
Icons by Curtana! There are a lot of them, because not only is she an icon goddess, her sense of humour and composition perfectly capture the way my mind works sometimes.
This set: all quotes from the oeuvre of Neil Gaiman:
This set: Various artists and quotes. Hover over the icon to see any other attributions available.
by Meallanmouse
by Summersamba
by Raevnn
by aimala1
by Roxicons
by Semyaza
by nomnomicons by Odette River by Talyesin by Karine by Glimglamoury by Hobbitholes by Emjy by Mysticmirth by crymeariver (art by Kinuko Craft) by M-icons (art by Kinuko Craft) by coeliz by Kyuukumber (art by Brett Helquist) by Fiery Tempest (quote by Neil Gaiman) by Vanity Made |
by Keswindhover (art by E.H. Shepard) by avendya by shewhoweeps by Eronn Icons by ikonanza by Anandi by avelina from mrmmarc by Forthright, art from the Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini by Jiatra by Icontrary by unknown by Carmelo Icons |
Icons By Me:
While talented in many other disciplines, icon-making is really not one of my fortes. I’m a crop-and-basic-colour-filter kind of girl, because Photoshop and I do not get along. I usually turn to Curtana when in need of something specific beyond my capabilities.
Original art by Ronald Hiscock.
First photo by Jessica Jenkins; second and third photos by Scott Schmeisser; fourth photo by LCO.
From various images of quills and tablets on-line; the addition of words on the first icon is mine.
Art in the last icon is by Paul Dowling.
All from the delightful Two Lumps comic.
This is an icon I designed for posts about the YA music novel I outlined in May 2008. It’s based on a photo called Girl With Violin by Anton Novozhilov.