Monthly Archives: July 2004

Get Thee Behind Me, Deadline

Done. In two days, the first half of my manuscript has been edited and sent back. Yes, it was an insane deadline. But it’s done. It occurs to me that sooner or later I’ll have to stop performing miracles, or I’m going to get myself in a tight spot some day. Right; from now on, the Scotty method of evaluating engine-repair jobs. (Although it occurs to me that delivering material before my estimated time of completion is how I got myself up to celebrity status. Hmm.)

And I have suddenly remembered the possibilities held within the addition of simple underarm gussets, which just might make this ritual dress a go instead of simply a learning experience. Of course, I have no more black thread on hand. I’ll pick some up tonight, because right now, all I want to do is rest after driving myself mad with edits for forty-eight hours.

The Deadline Looms

I asked t! how things were when he called from work yesterday afternoon. “I no longer hate the plot,” he responded. And you know, that’s really all a creative-type can hope for sometimes. When you don’t hate what you’re writing, you can at least work on it. When you hate it, all you can do is scroll through it and think about how much you detest the thing Sometimes, the most important thing about writing or drawing or painting or composing is just getting to a point where you no longer hate the work, even if it’s just for a moment. So long as you hate it, you’re focused on the fact that you hate it, and not the work in question. But as soon as you’re past the hate, a dozen new avenues of development open up.

I have an hour and a half till my deadline. I don’t hate my manuscript. I hate that I have to rearrange information between two chapters.

Beating the System

I am drinking iced tea instead of hot tea. That way it can’t get cold. And if it hits room temperature, well, it’s a heck of a lot easier to drop an ice cube into it than to boil a new pot of water.

Summer Food

This recipe came to me via an herbal e-list I’m on, and it sounded so delicious I wanted to share it.

Lemon Thyme Pesto:
1/4 cup lemon thyme leaves
2/3 cup parsley
1/3 cup pine nuts
1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
1 clove fresh garlic
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1/4 to 1/2 cup olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Blend all ingredients in a food processor or blender, making into a paste. Use on pasta, blend into softened butter to use on grilled chicken or fish, cooked carrots, as a bread spread, or mixed into rice. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

(Originally published in the April 2002 edition of The Herbin’ Thymes, the newsletter of The Evening Herb Society of the Palm Beaches.)

*blink* *blink*

I’ve just finished editing the first two chapters of my manuscript.

They’re good. In fact, they’re much better than I remember them. My line editor is a genius at suggesting the occasional alternate word, and moving a word to a different position in a sentence in order to make it just that much smoother. To my immense glee, there aren’t many edits at all, and lots of positive comments and queries for further personal interest. She described it as clean, solid, and the best New Age text that she has ever read. And get this — the manuscript is running “a bit long.” Muah-hah-hah! Better to cut here and there to tighten things up than to produce masses of new material!

Chapter Two, the chapter on history, is definitely better than I remember. This is the chapter I wanted to cut completely when I submitted the manuscript, remember? But upon a fresh re-read it’s solid, and it’s important to give the reader a sense of where it all came from, and what the major influences have been.

And, true to form, my tea is now cold. All is right with the world. Except for the fact that I have to make more tea.