Let’s start with the day that will require less introspection and time expended in actual writing of the post: Mother’s Day.
It began just after nine o’clock, which was positively the best present I could have been given. We got to bed at around two AM after the wedding, and that whole insomnia thing that’s been hitting me hard for the past while has really been giving me a beating. To wake up and realise that I’d slept almost six hours was wonderful. HRH got up as soon as he heard the baby early in the morning, and they let me sleep in. When I did wake up they came in to say hi, and Liam gave me a painting he’d made for me while I was asleep. He was mildly reluctant to give it up, but eventually it was all mine.
We had brunch, then we left to get flowers and head over to my in-laws’ place for the afternoon. And a lovely afternoon it was, too. We spent some time with neighbours, then ate Alaskan crab legs while Liam napped a very short nap, then we had steak and vegetables and salad. Liam joined us for the main course, and had his first taste of steak. He polished an awful lot of it off, along with zucchini and manadarin oranges from the salad. And he ate it all with his fingers, too. I’ve been mildly concerned about how he hasn’t been interested in eating any non-bread product with his fingers, but it’s like a switch was thrown on Sunday: the only way he’s really happy eating now is by picking things up by himself and putting them into his mouth. Of course, his patience runs out long before he’s eaten the amount that he usually eats when we feed him with a spoon, so we have to be careful.
Sunday night I went out to a concert with Pasley. L’Ensemble Sinfonia was playing the final concert of their season at the Oscar Peterson auditorium in NDG, and since I’ve been starved for live classical music played by someone other than myself, I really wanted to go. I’m so glad we did, because it was simply wonderful. The soloists for Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante were phenomenal, and the orchestra was impressively precise in ther performance of Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony, a notoriously challenging piece. We were so impressed that we’ve decided to subscribe to next year’s season together, which also solves the problem of missing out on live music.
So all in all, it was a lovely day. I’m lucky to have wonderful family and friends with whom to share days like this.