Daily Archives: May 10, 2006

Sniffly Boy

Well, it’s official: Liam has his first cold. He was sneezing yesterday, and today his nose is running. The good thing is that he finds sneezing hilarious. On the not so good side he’s mildly cranky. He’s spending a lot of time crawling into my lap to be held, and pulling at my shirt to indicate that he wants to nurse. Since he’d pretty much dropped daytime nursing on his own, I’m assuming it’s because it comforts him and it provides fluids, so I’m not complaining. Naps are going haywire again, however, because he can’t breathe very well. And we know exactly where he got it (hi TAZ!), which is reassuring, so we know precisely what to expect. I’d rather he be infected through playing with a friend whom we know is sick than pick goodness knows what up from goodness knows who.

Part of me is relieved that he’s finally caught something, and part of me is wishing he could have hit one year old before breaking his healthy streak. Just ’cause.

To distract him from how miserable he was feeling after lunch, we spent fifteen minutes playing in the sunny back yard, where he ate dirt (of course), petted the grass (which needs to be cut, so naturally our mower requires fixing), and pulled the heads off dandelions, which made him giggle for some reason. Speaking of playing outside, does anyone local need waterproof sunblock? We bought some Coppertone SPF 45 baby sunblock, not realising that it was the white stuff that sits on top of the skin, and Liam immediately tried to lick it off because he could see it. I picked up some sunblock that gets absorbed instead, which is what I wanted in the first place, but now we have a large bottle of the other stuff that we won’t be using. It’s expensive, so I’d rather it go to someone who will use it than have it just sit in a cupboard here.