I�m feeling bit run over this morning. The editing job was wonderful, but would have made a whole day�s work on its own if I�d had the choice; as it is I did 5 hours of data work for the day job, then hit the computer again at 5.45 PM to start the freelancing. Tumbled into bed at 1 AM, got up at 5.30 for another appointment with my osteopath, dragged myself home and now am engaged in a very delicate reheating of a chocolate croissant as I contemplate my green tea. I think orchestra�s going to be dropped on my list of priorities tonight in favour of coming home and sleeping. Please gods, let this day be gentle.
On top of that, that fever which turned into a cold seems to have chosen my throat and only my throat as its victim. Swollen, sore, and my voice has dropped an octave. The rest of me feels fine. Go figure.
The one thing I don�t feel so good about is not being able to put that document away for the night and look at it again all the way through the 110 pages before I sent it back. I like to walk away from my work for a bit to see it with fresh eyes, just to be certain. It was a rush job though, and it was needed before a 9 AM meeting today, so off it went. All in all, I feel terrific about the editing. I�m good at it, I helped someone else, I made money doing it. Amazing.