May soon. The fifth month. Where the heck is this year going?
May means:
– The Mediaeval Baebes concert
– Spiderman
– Star Wars Episode Two (the soundtrack to which I heard bits of last night… damn. Must buy.)
– Beltaine (let’s not forget that one, shall we?)
– Victoria Day weekend – which means seeing my parents
– Sandals (after Victoria Day, that is)
– Iced cappuccino instead of hot cappuccino
– Crabapple trees in blossom
– More sun, more green, more allergies
Today, in the last gasps of April, I get to see the director’s cut of Amadeus on the big screen, spend time with friends, and generally enjoy life. What a novelty to be doing this two days in a row. (Last night was NSW, and yes, Shawn and Saiyedra are back as a team! Too bad we couldn’t prevent (a) losing the artefact we were trying to keep out of the hands of the Bad Guys, (b) being humiliated in battle, and (c) being captured. Tune in two weeks from now….)