I love my boy, who has been going to bed awake after his night-time milk with a book and his bunny, and reading said book to said bunny till he falls asleep. It’s adorable to hear him.
His appetite’s diminished this past week. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not. It happened pretty suddenly, and I suspect it’s teething-associated. He was a voracious little guy, so this new lack of interest in food is a bit disconcerting. I just make sure he has a lot to snack on now and again. Maybe he’s simply too taken up with the whole walking thing. He’s spending fifty percent of his time walking, and the remaining fifty still crawling now. Every day he does a little more.
The heat’s back up, with humidex too, so naturally I’m making soup tonight. Leek and potato, all from the local farm produce we get in weekly baskets. Mmmm. As Scarlet mentioned we’re getting mostly odd lettuces and greeny things, which are okay but tend to not get used as much as the real veggies in these weekly food deliveries. I was hoping for more useful stuff. We just don’t eat enough lettuce-type stuff to make this worthwhile. We’ll see how things shift as the later harvests start kicking in; maybe it will be worth doing again next year.
Okay. I think it’s time for a glass of wine to toast Karine’s birthday in absentia. Our insurance agent ended up calling this afternoon to make an appointment for this evening, and since both HRH and I needed to sign the forms we couldn’t go out to Karine’s birthday pub night. And I have to go chop more leeks, and puree potatoes. (And I thought my pureeing days were over!)