Daily Archives: June 23, 2010

Wednesday Activity Log

Today, I:

– packed the boy’s stuff for a four-day stay with his grandparents
– packed my clothes, ritual wear, and equipment for the trip
– got my hair cut
– picked up the last-minute stuff from the pharmacy
– packed all the necessary papers and folders
– searched for and did not find part of my ritual wear (granted, I haven’t worn my deerskin capelet in six years, but it was supposed to be in a bag on a hanger in my closet; well, I’ll find it when we move)
– finished the interview and sent it in
– went to pick up the boy from preschool
– dropped HRH off downtown to get the van
– went to the yarn store to get my spinning magazine
– picked up cat food and litter
– went to the post office to mail a parcel
– took the boy to his grandparents’ house

We had an earthquake just before quarter to one this afternoon, which was kind of neat. Everyone who works with a Twitter window open all typed “Earthquake?”, and when the display refreshed I could see when it hit Ottawa, Montreal, and then Toronto just by looking at the order of the posts, which suggested that the epicentre was closer to Ottawa (which, upon research afterwards, was exactly right: it was north of Ottawa). Lots of fun. It also eliminates the self-doubt when something like this happens and you wonder if it was just a really big truck going by or something; a bunch of people lifted their heads and said, “I felt it, too!”

And we got yet more bad news from our real estate agent, who is crushed for us because she assures us we are doing everything right with our offers, and weird stuff is happening beyond our control. I will not lie; this is getting harder and harder. Especially since we’ve thoroughly exhausted the market after a solid month of work, and summer is an off time for real estate and the market slows down.

A few days off will be good. I just wish the days off weren’t so stressful in their planning and execution.

More Astonishment

Another eighteen hundred words written longhand last night.

Yesterday’s total word count: approximately 2,800

At the rate things are going, I’m going to need a proper icon for this story instead of defaulting to the plot bunny ambushed-by-writing icon.