Witness my ongoing quest to record my daily activity so I don’t feel like the day was a complete waste!
– constructing spreadsheet to keep track of all the house listings we’ve thrown around; we keep coming up with the same listings and wondering why we haven’t pursued them, so I have to dig back through my e-mail to find that they sold two weeks ago. It would also be useful if real estate listing sites actually marked listings as sold instead of leaving them up. (This took a stupid amount of time, as I had to track back through e-mails and bookmarks, but now I am on top of it going forward.)
– bill-paying
– filing and office maintenance stuff
– freelance project (done except for a final polish and proof tomorrow)
– lots of phone calls in and out (bank, real estate agent, dinner reservations)
– lots of house research (this is a stupid game that isn’t as much fun as it should be)
– dinner prepared in the slow cooker