Daily Archives: June 17, 2010

Thursday Activity Log

Well, this experiment is working. I’m seeing that I actually use my days to do stuff, instead of feeling as if I didn’t get anywhere by the end of the day. It’s showing me that a completed activity isn’t the only way to measure a day’s success.

Today, I:

– babysat Tristan Bean for an hour while his mum had a dentist appointment (best-behaved baby ever, and I got him to sleep not once but twice!)
– went to the bank
– picked up some groceries
– went to the pharmacy for stuff
– had a meeting with our real estate agent
– stressed about house stuff (yes, this deserves a separate bullet point, because, well, stuff happened)
– didtwo three four loads of laundry
– chain-plied a full bobbin of 4oz of singles (and only ended up with 66 yards; this is insane, I’ll have to spin up even more)