Total word count, Orchestrated: 7,390
New words today: 2,197
So this is what happens when I actually leave the document open all day and remember to put words into it…
Of course, I didn’t do any work on the workshop for the weekend. Which means that’s what I have to do tomorrow afternoon, and finish it on Thursday. Which, in turn, means no more Orchestrated until I’m home from the festival next Monday. Sigh.
ETA: Except I did half an hour of moving things around and consolidating thoughts in the workshop file, and huh, look at that, I have the bones of a coherent workshop emerging. Again, the problem is going to be keeping it to one hour; I’m used to workshops being two hours. I suspect once I’m there I may toss everything out and just talk about why home-based spirituality is important and how to recognize/add spiritual elements to daily home life.