Starting after Thanksgiving, in fact (which means in three weeks, where did the year go?) and at a surprisingly low fee too. The same hour-long lesson fee I first paid when I started lessons fifteen years ago, actually. That particular lesson fee went up every year until I was paying 30% more in my fourth and final year of lessons. I expected this lesson fee to be somewhat equivalent to the last fee I paid, or to be even higher to reflect the natural economic inflation of ten or so years. I am, of course, very thankful that it’s not bank-breaking, but still, I am astonished at how affordable it is.
I have already been informed that we have a Christmas concert in mid-December. And I’m okay with that. (Wow. Thank you, Random Colour.) Plus there will be a group lesson once a month! I think that’s really neat.
Now I need to sit down and think about my goals so that I can articulate them to my teacher when the time comes, because I’m certain she will ask. Things like becoming more familiar with the geography of the finger board, a more solid foundation in theory (or any foundation at all… it’s embarrassing when a conductor starts using solfege terminology and I, er, can’t follow it *cough* *cough*), intonation… I’m sure there will be more that come to mind. (A better bow hold, more efficient left hand movement, oh, the list will go on… and this sounds like a letter to Santa. Dear Santa, please bring me a better understanding of A flat major and D flat major, an accurate thumb position, and a better vibrato with my fourth finger. Love, Autumn.)
Right; off to work on the iBook away from the siren song of the Internet and e-mail. I’ve been dragging my feet about this evaluation because it’s a rather angry memoir about alleged racial discrimination within a minority religious group. The tone makes makes for uncomfortable reading. I’m trying to see it as a good way to keep my time spent on it focused and brief instead of being overly thorough, as I usually am. I want it done today so I can polish the report and send it off tomorrow by noon, freeing me up to work on Orchestrated in the afternoon.