Daily Archives: January 13, 2009

Goodness, How Did That Happen?

So that one-page brief overview of a topic that I was asked to write for inclusion in a private collection of educational material turned into a two-page intro plus a page of sources.

Yeah, I know. But it was all important.

And I found a newly published book on the subject that I need to read, too! When I have money to buy books online again, that is.


Just another day here, Gentle Readers. Tired, achy, cold the usual. Only more because the after-effects of the flu are still dogging me.

In the Good News column, I finished and uploaded my freelance assignment yesterday (it was like beating my head against a brick wall; you all know how I feel about plagiarism, and this project quoted pages and pages of another book and blew right past the concept of Fair Use, while merrily paraphrasing other original material without attribution) and I finished my first pass through the galleys of the book this morning. Now I’m doing my second quick pass to make sure the edits I’ve made aren’t stupid (and have caught a couple where I phrased the requested correction badly, thereby demonstrating that my second pass is indeed necessary). Once that’s handed in early this afternoon I’ll have to move on to the next two things on my to-do list. One is an interview for an online community, and the other is a private pro bono one-page thing to write that has repeatedly been dropped down on the list of things to do because it’s non-paying. If I can get all that done today I’m free Wednesday and Thursday to work on my own stuff. Except it’s highly unlikely that finishing both today will happen. I need to do some cello work too, both on mine and the current trial 7/8 (Cello 7, for those of you with scorecards at home).

In the meantime, what I want to be doing is knitting my lap blanket. Except I do not yet have the needles or the yarn for it. Stupid space-time continuum, messing up my plans. Well, the boy and I are home together Friday, so I have proposed a trip to the bookstore for him if he comes yarn-trawling in places like Zellers with me. (Me, the bookstore? It doesn’t have the book I’m looking for. Bah. Although I do need to get a miniature wall calendar for my office wall.)

ETA: Aaaaand… as of 12:14 PM I am done, done, done! The proofs have been sent back and I am going to reward myself with a half-hour of browsing through colour cards for yarn to try narrowing down my yarn and colour choices for the lap blanket. The I think I’ll work simultaneously on the interview and research the one-page history. (In other words, I’m going to have two documents open at the same time and use one to work-avoid the other. This is a technique that actually works sometimes.)