Daily Archives: January 21, 2009


My latest assignment has been handed in, and I’m exhausted. This one really drained me. I’ve told them that I need to take a couple of weeks off to work on my other stuff; I can’t keep juggling it all.

I can’t face opening Orchestrated right now. I need to walk away from the computer for a bit. I’d start messing about with the lightsaber pattern but I don’t have the correct size DPNs or yarn. I’ll work on my slippers instead.

I wish I could muster up some enthusiasm for orchestra tonight. All I want to do is have a hot bath and go to bed. I’m having a lot of problems managing my energy levels these days, which is mostly fibro-related, and somewhat connected to the weather and the season as well.

Hrm. Taking a couple of Tylenol might help, too.


My friends are awesome. Most of you know this, because you are either a friend in real life, or you have read here before how awesome they are.

Today’s proof of awesome: Ceri just bought me a knitting pattern so I can make a lightsaber for the boy. Ceri is made of awesome.

I’ve been having a really tough time lately for a variety of reasons. This, and the news about how advanced the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World movie is (they’re filming in Toronto this spring!) have been the highlights of the past two days.

As of Monday afternoon I’ve also been negotiating another book project. Not mine, exactly; picking up someone else’s anthology collection after their departure. More news once things settle and we see where they are.