Oh, great. Now it’s freezing raining. (What’s the active tense for that, anyway? Without saying something dreadfully formal such as, “Our current precipitation consists of freezing rain”, I mean.)
Daily Archives: November 17, 2002
Hmm. My site meter seems to be down.
Going to check it out, I discovered some interesting referrals for this owlyblog, such as:
– bad writers (fourth hit out of 1,400,000, alas; this is hardly encouraging for someone who is a writer by profession)
– dip pens
– owl costume pattern
– inflatable pony popped (for which I am number one of only two hits)
– Peek Freans cookies (number 57 of many, many, many – why on earth did they click on me?)
– Alice in Wonderland mythic forest
Unfortunately, when you do a search for “good writers” I’m nowhere to be seen…
Whoa. When did it become winter?