Quickie review of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets:
1. Geez, I’m glad I don’t go to Hogwarts. Big snakes. Screaming roots. Willow trees that think playing Whack the Student is a jolly time.
2. I so wish I went to Hogwarts! Or at least lived in that world.
Good film – well-paced, good acting, good dialogue, fabulous new set designs. If asked to compare it to the first in the series, I’d say apples and oranges. The first one established the world and characters. This one plunged right in and didn’t really explain anything, expecting you to have read the books, or at least have seen the first film. I like that. Why waste time re-introducing places and people?
I will see it again. Not, however, at the Paramount, although since the copy of the film we were watching snapped (right before the exciting bits) we got vouchers for a complimentary movie ticket, so it’s sort of like we saw it for free; thirteen-fifty is just too pricey. I did it for The Chamber of Secrets on opening night, and I’ll do it for The Two Towers premiere, but that’s all. Any subsequent viewings will be done elsewhere.
Tomorrow, we paint the bedroom. Updates as events warrant.