So there!
My last word count two days ago was around seventeen thousand something, so when I sat down to write for a couple of hours tonight my goal was to hit twenty thousand, and I needed approximately twenty-five hundred words to do it. I was still writing tonight when our friends showed up for our appointed evening of film-watching. I typed furiously at my notebook computer, and finally said, “Okay, please humour me by allowing me to run to my big computer and post my word count.” I was confident. I was satisfied with my achievement. I logged on, grabbed my calculator… and was two hundred words short.
“What?” I cried at the screen.
“Everything okay in there?” my husband called.
“No,” I said through gritted teeth. “My math was off. I don’t know what number I used, but it was the wrong one.”
I logged off and we proceeded to watch Spider-Man, and I was rather impressed. This film just sort of got away from me while it was in theatres. I enjoyed it immensely, apart from the slight issue I had with Peter not telling anyone he’d been bitten by a blue and red spider like those fourteen other genetically altered spiders, you know, the ones where there’s supposed to be fifteen, but one’s missing? We no-prized it by deciding that he was shy, and he’d already been bullied in that scene, so if he said, “Hey, a spider bit me,” the other kids would probably make fun of him: “Oooh, poor baby, did a spider bite him?”
So the film ended, and our friends left, and my husband started turning off lights… and I sat down, determined to hit twenty thousand words before I went to bed.
It’s done.
So there.