I just had a lovely little visit with Ceri. Ceri has just returned from a somewhat unexpectedly rocky week in Halifax visiting family. We talked about light tea-time topics, like the afterlife, reconciling other afterlives with what we believe, honouring other spiritual paths, the inability of the Montreal Pagan community to exist peacefully, and how much we were both looking forward to leaving it. (The Pagan community, not Montreal.) Actually, that last bit was mostly me. Ceri’s already stepped away from her public position and is rather pleased with herself. I’m just itching to follow, because I’m tired of the stupidity. Alone, people are fine. As soon as they assemble in a group (or if they’re alone, they read a single book and decide they’re an expert), the I.Q. drops. I’m tired of responding to community requests for help, then dealing with the criticism I get for doing it. Do people actually want help, or not?

I shouldn’t get irritated. I know that if I and my projects didn’t exist, they’d all just be sniping about someone and/or something else. I should probably be proud that I and the things I’m involved in are making as much of an impact as we are, so that they feel the need to snipe.

It’s just so… infuriating. Makes you want to hand the whole ball o’wax over and say, “Oh yeah? Then you do it.”