Daily Archives: November 9, 2006

Best-Laid Plans

I wasn’t going to write today; the boy was home all day, we had a playdate with Julia and Arthur (lots of fun, hurrah!), and I fully intended to go to bed with a book after dinner…

… but my brain had other ideas. So the novella now stands at 13,389 words, which means I wrote 2,215 more words than I intended to write tonight. Plus I have laid foundation for something interesting that will happen later on, and firmed up two other interesting things that will also happen later. There has been much development all around.

Now I will go make a warm cup of herbal tea, and go to bed with that book I meant to curl up with an hour and a half ago.

Concert Reminder!

Right! Since it’s little over a week until the first concert of the Lakeshore Chamber Orchestra 2006-07 season, consider this your official notification and invitation to an evening of excellent music!

Next Saturday evening, November 18, at 19h30 (this time now confirmed) we will be presenting a wonderfully varied programme for your listening enjoyment:

Overture to “The Devil in Hydraulicus” – Schubert
Melody in F, op. 3 no. 1 – Rubenstein
Symphony no. 8 in F major – Beethoven
“Waves of the Danube” waltz – Ivanovici
Two Hungarian Dances – Brahms
“Skaters’ Waltz” – Waldteufel

Admission is $10 per person; entrance is free for those under 18 years of age. The concerts usually last a couple of hours, a bit longer if there’s an intermission.

The concert takes place in Pointe-Claire at Valois United Church, on the corner of Belmont and King. The 203 and 204 buses stop within one to three blocks away, and the Dorion/Rigaud commuter train stops at the foot of Queen. While there are general public transport directions here for you, I usually encourage people who are carless to find someone who has a car and share the cost of the driver’s admission to the concert among them. It’s more fun to enjoy the evening in the company of others. (Here’s a map for those of you who will be driving.)

Soothe the gloom of November with an evening of soul-warming music! See you there!


I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who dug Vivaldi recordings out of their collections and lent them to me unasked. I now have over six hours’ worth of Vivaldi music, which is perfect for my current writing soundtrack.

Anyone have any Geminani? (Kidding. I’m kidding!) (Although now it would be interesting to find out if anyone has some, just for trivia’s sake.)