Current word count stands at 46,746 and page count at 206 after tightening and polishing Chapter 4, which isn’t fully polished to my satisfaction but could be handed in like this. It’s something I can go back and fiddle with if I have time after everything else is done, and if I don’t, I’ll get it in the rewrites. (I hate thinking that. I want it done right the first time.)
Also, something I wrote in Chapter 4 today inspired a ritual that got written in Chapter 6. I orignally thought this ritual had to go into Chapter 7, but I was evidently on another planet at the time. So that’s been crossed off the list of things to do for Chapter 7, even though it shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
Tomorrow: Chapters 5 and 6. And since 6 is such a little thing, maybe some of 7. (The actual stuff that needs to be done in 7, I mean. Wow, I’m tired.)
I need to go find dinner. I think there’s leftover chili.