I’ve been trying to figure out why I enjoy making and wearing costumes so much.

I love dressing up. I know it partially comes from a love of things unordinary. I think it also partially originates from my preference of skirts to pants; most of my costumes are dress-based, after all.

The challenge of creating something is part of it, too. One of my triumphs was finding a classic Trek sourcebook with sketches of uniforms, tracing the six-inch-high picture, enlarging it via the grid method, and making a remarkably authentic bright red classic Trek woman’s uniform. (That, I got to wear twice – once at my Hallowe’en party, once a following Hallowe’en at the F/SF bookstore I worked in. Complete with high black boots.) I love putting costumes together because, let’s face it, part of showing up in costume is to feel proud of what you’ve done, to hear other people say, “That’s so cool!”, and with the proper finishing touches, it’s all just so satisfying.

I also enjoy sewing. I’m not patient enough to be perfect, so sewing everyday clothes isn’t really an option. However, sewing a costume means you can get away with little mistakes and shortcuts most of the time.

I don’t think it originates with a desire to be someone else. I like being me, thank you very much. I just particularly enjoy being me in nifty clothes. However, perhaps it has something to do with special occasions. You wouldn’t wear a costume every day; dressing up carries with it an implication of holiday and festivity.

Eh. Whatever. I like costuming. I should just enjoy it, and not question it.