More Knitting Wiktory!

As of 21h00 last night, I had a finished scarf.

It’s not as long as I’d hoped for, but it does cross over in front sufficently to keep it tucked in and to keep my neck warm. I do think I will get another skein (did I mention I was using Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran Tweed in Licorice? It’s lovely stuff, once you get used to the silk slubs) and knit that up then graft them together, but it’s not pressing. Because yes, I finished the scarf to go with my new red woollen coat just in time for the temperature to plunge and my down-filled coat to come out of the closet. And this scarf is not the right accessory for a down-filled coat at all at all at all. Also, if it is cold enough to be wearing the down-filled coat, it is not warm enough to get away with this scarf.

Well, it will look beautiful with the coat when things warm up. And goodness knows the Montreal temperatures can’t stay steady for too long, so I imagine I’ll have opportunity to wear the new coat and scarf together again soon.

In other weather-related news, all the trees are encased in ice and the sun is shining though them. The big maple out front looked like its twigs were made of light this morning. Gorgeous. The library grounds were like a fairyland.

6 thoughts on “More Knitting Wiktory!

  1. jan

    I have a comment box as well, today on the Mac. I’m going to run downstairs now and see if it shows up on the Windows PC.

  2. Owldaughter Post author

    What seems to be happening is that is you’re using IE, you can only get a comment box if there are no comments yet. If you use Firefox or something else, you’re fine, but the comment box will overlap longer comment threads.

  3. kitten

    I’m SO glad that I don’t know how to …do yarn-y things. I so don’t have the money to spend in that shop you linked to, right now. And, knowing me, I’d start buying things for yarn-y projects. **nods lots**

  4. Kristine

    Hello! You commented on my comment to Capt’n Fox’s post on LJ…I’m ariel_in_blue over there. I clicked on you and found a writing-and-knitting blog! Delight!

    So now I’m saying hi. :)

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