Hearthcraft Book Update

Total word count, hearthcraft book: 37,306
New words today: 2,206

Today’s topic: Food as a spiritual thing. I have to admit that some of today’s words came from an article that I wrote in the fall of 2005, that was in turn salvaged from a bunch of stuff that got cut from the green witch book. I’m considering them note-form thoughts for the moment, and so they’re all in bulleted italics awaiting rewriting and refocusing, because while it roughly delivers what I’m trying to get across I want to say it differently so as not to bore devoted readers! to better blend with the subject of the book. So they’re understudy words until the principal words are ready to go on stage.

Yikes. A day or two more of work and I’ll be at the two-thirds-done point. Then it’s just a couple of thousand words to the three-quarter mark, which is where I begin hyperventilating because there isn’t enough room to fit it all in, and there’s no way I will hand in another 80K book on a 60K contract. They’re not paying me enough.

2 thoughts on “Hearthcraft Book Update

  1. paze

    Two thirds through? You are fast.
    And no, they don’t pay you enough. Not one of my talented, creative, hard-working friends is paid enough, while those lazy boobs who take three hour lunches and charge them to the company make way too much. That’s life, but it shouldn’t be.

  2. Ceri

    Woo! I’m loving seeing those word counts soar, and with every topic, this book gets more intriguing!

    I remember that article too. Was it really 2005? Ye gods.

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