has sent me an email with recommended books I may enjoy, based on previous purchases.
One of them is Solitary Wicca for Life. has sent me an email with recommended books I may enjoy, based on previous purchases.
One of them is Solitary Wicca for Life.
It was to be expected!
I’m amused too. :)
Off topic:
I have some tickets to see Loreena McKennitt on April 17th…two available at the moment.
They cost 65$ a piece. Let me know if you are interested. The seat numbers are on my LJ.
Not unsurprsing that you wrote a book you would have enjoyed reading.
Now that’s funny!
t!: One would hope, yes? After the requisite time away from the work to restore perspective, that is.
Maia: Answered you on your LJ. Thanks, but I’m already set. :)
that’s hilarious!
Yes, well. You know.