ESTC: Oh Dear

I knew this would happen.

Current word counts stands at 48,879 and the pages number 203 (down from 205 a couple of moments ago; more merciless cutting). I’ve just finished working on Chapter 6, which still needs a bit of smoothing out, but Liam just woke up and we need to get ready to go out to a birthday party (where on earth is HRH? — this could be a problem).

There must be more merciless cutting because the rest of what needs to be expanded/included won’t fit into 1,125ish words.

Am I going to have to start keeping more than 10K words free before the final stages, in order to have enough room to clarify, expand, and polish? I thought I was overbudgeting at 8.5K free for a 50K book, but apparently not.


I suddenly have a very, very bad feeling that all the stuff in Chapter 5 that I spent writing and expanding these past two days (basic instructions and reviews of meditation, circle casts, sacred space, etc) are going to have to be excised to make room for the more specialised stuff. Which means, in essence, I’d be tossing out a day and a half of work.


3 thoughts on “ESTC: Oh Dear

  1. Ceri

    Just think — if you have to cut the explanations out of chapter 5, you can use them in your next book rather than having to write meditation, sacred space, energy work, etc. etc. all over AGAIN.

    That said, you have my sympathy. I hope it goes well and quickly for you over the next couple of days. I’m rooting for you.

    Go Arin!!

  2. Owldaughter Post author

    Ceri, thank you for putting a positive spin on this! I didn’t think of it that way. :)

    And thank you both for the sympathy. I know that you have a good idea of exactly how I feel.

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