Daily Archives: May 4, 2009


The copyedited anthology ms. has been handed in to the publisher! Next time I see it should be in proofs. Technically it’s due tomorrow, but the boy will be home with me because preschool is closed for the day, and so I guarantee that no work will get done.

I’ve also re-activated my freelance ms. evaluation gig, so I should get a new assignment from them soon. Meanwhile, today I think I’ll mess about with superficial edits in Orchestrated (things like inserting words or changing specific words, as I scribbled in the printout during my read-through of the first draft).

The weekend was really quiet and calm, so there isn’t much of a weekend roundup to report. We had dinner with my in-laws Saturday night, and there was delicious turkey (sort of a belated Easter thing). I got to bring the carcass home along with a few pounds of meat, and I made turkey soup yesterday. The whole house smelled fabulous.

We had a lovely Beltane rit on Saturday night, in which we made garden tokens in the form of painted river stones to hide in the yard to bless both the earth and the plants growing and/or to be planted in it. Sunday night we had another excellent session of the once-a-month steampunk horror game we’re in, and I rolled either dreadfully (read: 1) or brilliantly (read: 20), thereby establishing that if my character intuits/observes something cool she passes out. Also, huzzah, the whole party has finally been brought together!

Hmm. It’s getting lunchy. Think I’ll make a warm turkey sandwich.