Spinning October 2016

While I was at Rhinebeck (there’s a post I still need to write; the good thing is I have notes) I picked up a couple of braids of fibre from Spunky Eclectic, a dyer I’ve heard a lot about but haven’t had the chance to try. This is the one I chose to spin first.

The blend is called Panda; it’s 60% superwash Merino, 30% bamboo, and 10% nylon. This colour way is called ‘No Pimiento’ and is a gorgeous blend of pale and spring greens. The braid looked almost golden in places, but that was the reflection of the bamboo.

Spunky Eclectic Panada blend in 'No Pimiento'

Spunky Eclectic Panda blend in ‘No Pimiento’

I spun it on the Symphony in double drive at the 16:1 ratio for a 32 wpi single, and plied it in scotch tension. I ended up with 316 yards of traditional three-ply yarn at about 20 wpi.

'No Pimiento' yarn

‘No Pimiento’ yarn

I’m really happy with it. It reminds me of the colours of the green curtains my grandfather wove, which are currently packed away because all our windows are too big for them.

2 thoughts on “Spinning October 2016

  1. Jane Wykes

    I have just read your blog re : Kromski Mazurka, I too have just bought one ! I found it in an auction sale here in the UK, I liked its unusual look and lightness to carry around. Mine too is a pre-production model, with the conical shaped bobbin and screw on whorl. I don’t think it has ever been used, there is no wear on the treadle, and no sign of fluff or fibre anywhere. The hooks on the flyer are as you say very sharp, and I am still trying to get used to a double drive wheel, I am used to an Ashford scotch tension traveller. I need a lot more practise in getting the tension right, but it does spin beautifully. If you send me your email address, I will happily send you some photos of my wheel. Kind regards Jane

  2. Autumn Post author

    What a super find, Jane! That’s fantastic! The prototype Mazurkas spin very finely. I had difficulty with the lack of distinct ratio difference between the whorl and the bobbin groove on mine, so I rigged Scotch tension by tying a light string to the MOA bar, running it up over the bobbin groove, and hanging keys or another weight from the other end. (I probably said something to that effect in the other post already!). I wish you many happy years of spinning with your Mazurka!

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