To my astonishment, the publisher has agreed to give me to give me pretty damn near what I’d asked for fee-wise for this anthology project. Not only that, the deadline has been extended so I’m not requiring my contributors to cram this into the next two weeks, and I don’t have to try to collate and edit the entire book by an equally insane deadline. Huzzah!
I also finished my first draft of yesterday’s assignment and it’s off waiting for the editor (a different editor, that is; ooh, the glamour of freelancing) to look at it. I also practised the cello. (Treble clef; good gods. Lots of it. And lots of little notes to a single bow in the Hebrides overture. Eep. The 7/8 handles well in that range, I have discovered.) I even tried changing the two lower strings on the 7/8 to the ones my teacher lent to me to see if that improved the projection and balance on the lower end, but they sounded scary and vaguely piano-like and the tension was completely out of whack with the upper two, so I changed them back. The luthier has given me an appointment for next Friday night, so that’s good. (In more ways than one: I’d originally asked for tomorrow night, but if this is indeed the Martian Death Plague, as the unfortunately experienced Mousme suspects, tomorrow night wouldn’t have happened.)
And now, because I have edited a new submission and one of the existing ones, I have accomplished more than what I set out to accomplish today, and I am going to go lie down. Because wow, do I feel woozy.
Go you!!
(But please feel better soon!)
Wow. I wish I was half as productive as you when I’m sick. I usually end up buried up to my neck in blankets and waiting for the misery to be over, when I’m sick enough to stay home, that is.
It’s part of the working-at-home thing. I think hey, well, I’m already at work, so to speak; if I’ve dragged myself into this room to check e-mail and stuff I may as well open up a document and edit, right?
I made myself do the cello stuff because I’m in a group that’s sworn to practice a certain number of times each week, and there’s no way I’m declaring defeat in the first month of a year-long challenge!