Orchestrated Update

I’ve been struggling to get back into the flow of Orchestrated. I’m so close to the end, and it’s frustrating because things are moving at a snail’s pace. Not the actual story, but my execution of it. I worked on it January 5, then it lay untouched (other work with deadlines, small child at home) until last Thursday when I got just over six hundred words down in it. Today, I ground out a more respectable amount of work, but it still feels like pulling teeth. I hate having to leave things aside for more than a day; I lose the flow and the mindset and the sense of what’s happening. The longer it’s aside, the longer it takes me to get back into it.

New words today: 1,588
Total word count, Orchestrated: 60,840

I didn’t even register that I broke 60K. As that had been my arbitrary target word count for the completed project, I’m going to have to revise that to something between 65K and 70K. I’d like to wrap it up in 5K, although it will feel rushed. What I need is a completed first draft, though, so I can go back and start doing the subtle stuff instead of trying to put the subtle stuff in as I go. A first draft is too clunky for that, especially in the wrap-up part. Get the skeleton down, then flesh it out; that’s what I should be thinking at this point.

To that end, I will write brief one-line descriptions of what scenes need to happen between here and the end, then expand them one by one. We’ll see how that goes.