
My friends are awesome. Most of you know this, because you are either a friend in real life, or you have read here before how awesome they are.

Today’s proof of awesome: Ceri just bought me a knitting pattern so I can make a lightsaber for the boy. Ceri is made of awesome.

I’ve been having a really tough time lately for a variety of reasons. This, and the news about how advanced the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World movie is (they’re filming in Toronto this spring!) have been the highlights of the past two days.

As of Monday afternoon I’ve also been negotiating another book project. Not mine, exactly; picking up someone else’s anthology collection after their departure. More news once things settle and we see where they are.

3 thoughts on “Awesome

  1. HRH

    Ok, the knitted light-sabers are the cutest/coolest things I’ve ever seen.

    Your going to need to make three so we can play with the little Jedi.


  2. Autumn Post author

    Four, so Gryff can play, too. Because otherwise he’s just going to steal everyone elses’ sabers and hide them in his little stash under the bed.

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