Orchestrated Update

Yes, gentle readers, not only have I baked two loaves of bread, made pizza dough, and a batch of new incense, but I have added to Orchestrated!

New words today: 2,493
Total word count, Orchestrated: 28,739

Makes me want to go add seven words just so I can type ‘2,500.’

And just because I am feeling smug:

Total word count, Nine Noble Virtues workshop: 3,092

Over 5,000 words today. Very nice. Plus the incense and the bread and the other stuff. The one thing I haven’t done today is practise, but I forgive myself. Also, my fingers are all non-fine-motor-skills today for some reason, and I had trouble standing up properly this morning, so.

Time to wrap things up before HRH picks me up o nhis way home so we can do the purchasing of Pizza Toppings Autumn Forgot Yesterday as well as milk and coffee and other things I didn’t know we needed, and then collect the small boy from Grandma’s house.