Shoes! Glasses! Hair!

I surprised myself by problem-solving the camera issue. The laptop didn’t recognise the camera either, which leads me to suspect a camera issue and not a USB port issue (which doesn’t change the fact that I need the extra USB ports and will install them tonight). Vaguely remembering that the memory card I bought for the camera came with a card reader, I dug it out (surprise! I found it), yanked the card from the camera and managed to snap it into the reader, found a USB port on the box that would accept it, and transferred the photos. Voila: pictures!

New glasses and haircut (and tanned face and chest but white neck, I see, sigh):

These are last week’s news, though. What I am much more excited about (because they are newer, you understand) are the shoes!

Yes! I have green shoes. Huzzah!

What were once boring beige shoes…

(I wish I had an image to show you, I really do) that looked very similar to this, although a shade or two lighter… more of a mushroom colour than camel

…are now a dark emerald!

The ‘gently apply dye with the sponge in a circular rubbing motion’ didn’t work at all (talk about uneven and no dye really sinking in, and yes, I did the scrub-with-the-preparation-liquid thing), so after a go at the rubbing I just painted the stuff on with the little brush. It needs a final coat to even things out (I will use the sponge and rub this time, I promise, and I see that I need to touch up the seam where the leather is attached to the soles) but wow, am I ever pleased with how they turned out. (And evidently I have one basic pose for photos of shoes on my feet.)

Did I mention that red shoes are damn well everywhere this season? I am miffed. This means that in two years there ought to be green shoes widely available in desirable colours and funky styling.

Right — I must grab a notebook and my bag and head off to the doctor.

4 thoughts on “Shoes! Glasses! Hair!

  1. Owldaughter Post author

    Yes, I know you like my hair… but I got it chopped even shorter last Friday! I wanted the basic length cut by an inch and the layers only trimmed, then the stylist and I got to talking, and next thing I know is that she’s CUT my layers BY AN INCH instead of trimming them! ACK!

    Thank you for the yay on the shoes. I may wear them for the Hamilton festival. :)

  2. Talyesin

    “tanned face and chest but white neck, I see, sigh”

    Much better and healthier than back in the day when you had white face and chest and pasty borderline blue neck from working in a basement all summer, believe me, luv.

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