No, un-stet!
Look, squirrel-mind, just take a stand and decide if you’re accepting the global change to make all elements lower-cased, or not. Then do the same with each appearance of the term ‘Mother Goddess’. (I know, I know, that one’s hard, because sometimes it is legitimately ‘Mother Goddess’, and ‘Mother’, and other times it is correctly ‘mother goddess’ and ‘mother’. Just decide which is which and stet/unstet it confidently. Trust yourself.)
Also, good on you for initiating the global change of ‘Neopagan’ to ‘Neo-Pagan’, squirrel-mind. If we had cookies, I would give you one.
Do it, then go cuddle your son and think of something fun to do. Like baking cookies, for example. Then you get your reward as well as entertaining him.