I had a dismal day on Monday, what with headaches and cats and vets and such, but even so, when I sat down today to begin working I discovered that I had accomplished more than I thought:
Total word count, ESTC: 13,675
Total words, Monday: 701
That’s about twice as much as I’d thought I’d written. And over half my daily quota. Go me!
Now, after running around to the garage and daycare and getting my hair cut, eating (finally) and handling three days’ worth of correspondence, I’m up for today’s quota plus more to cover the latter part of Monday. To battle!
And whee! The rest of those books just arrived!
Go you! I amazed myself by banging out 1330 words for August Writing yesterday evening in just over an hour. Note to self: use Slavic mythology for inspiration more often…
Yes, erm, my own August Writing has dropped in priority below baby and food and sleep and errands. Oh, and that there work thing. I’ve been deliberately staying away from the computer unless I need to be here, and making myself read things not related to work when I have down time. As a result there is less stress, but also less not-work writing. It’s a trade-off.