While we were over visiting his godparents yesterday, Liam found a copy of a recent movie magazine with a picture of Brandon Routh on the cover. His godmother held it up for him.
“Look, Liam!” she said. “It’s Superman! See: blue, and red, and yellow, and a big S.”
Liam looked at the picture seriously for a moment before pointing at it, breaking into a delighted smile, and saying, “Dada!”
Yeah, I think your Da’s pretty awesome too, kid. More along the Mr. Incredible line than Superman, but hey, you’ve demonstrated a decent understanding of the kind of guy he is. And that’s also awesome.
That totally works.
Physically, the fit version of Mr. Incredible, and mentally, the wiser family man version, of course.
awe…… *GRIN*
What can I say?
I’m wondering if that’s why he was so enchanted by Buzz Lightyear when I put Toy Story on in an attempt to entertain him three weeks ago, myself.