Dusting Off The Sewing Machine

In other non-ranty news, I made over my corset on Tuesday night. I’d already unpicked a couple of seams and removed the peplum and straps about a month ago, so Tuesday night’s work consisted of resewing the bottom seam, encasing the seam in velvet ribbon trim, taking in the side panels by an inch, putting on the eyelet ribbon, grumbling a lot, taking off the eyelet ribbon and unpicking the side seams because it still wasn’t fitting correctly, and redoing it all. Then I sewed a velvet ribbon halter strap on it, and put tiny darts in the two front seams to make it fit even better.

So! I have a new-old corset for the gig in two weeks. Now I need to decide what I’m wearing with it. I’m liking the jeans idea, although if I can find my flirty little black wraparound miniskirt I may wear that, because a skirt allows me to wear my funky high-heeled lace-up boots. There’s just no point to wearing funky lace-up boots if no one can see them.

(Two weeks! Eep. But we kicked the collective ass of our set list at last night’s rehearsal, and with a little more work on my own I’ll be more comfortable with the final two new songs that I need to polish. The general consensus seems to be that we’re feeling pretty good about things, better than we did leading up to last gig in October.)

2 thoughts on “Dusting Off The Sewing Machine

  1. jan

    Yay for the new-old corset! At my current rate, altering mine so that it fits me for the gig is scheduled for Friday between the hairdresser and Lu’s party *sigh*.

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