Daily Archives: March 3, 2009

So Far…

– Loaf of bread: check

– Batch of most excellent six-grain sweet rolls wrapped around dark organic chocolate, which has melted and gone all smooshy and delicious inside: check

– Successful cast-on of the beginning of those wrist warmers: FINALLY (with a bonus 1/3 first row of ribbing)

– Tomato-bean-beef stew in the slow cooker: check

I’m being so efficient that I’m kind of annoying myself.


So far today I have handled a lot of correspondence, confirmed the final contributor to the anthology (all slots are officially filled, hurrah!), made a batch of bread dough, made a batch of sweet roll dough, practised the cello, and various and sundry little stuff. Yesterday afternoon I did eight pages of this weekend’s workshop, which was very encouraging indeed, and began hatching ideas for more. I think I’m going to add modules on some of the basic things like mindfulness that I talk about in the book, as well as some practical stuff on cleansing and purification and balancing the energy of a space. This will work. I will fill up three hours. I’ve got a stack of books to bring with me, too, that talk about different aspects of the subjects I’m going to touch on for people to look at over the break or at the end of the day.

(Pardon me while I quietly freak out for a moment again: Seventeen. People.)

And it’s only eleven o’clock! A good day so far indeed.