What I Have Today That You Do Not

Courtesy of yesterday’s mail:

1. The spinner’s lap cloth I won from Phat Fiber! The one that’s dark on one side and light on the other so you can use whichever side provides better contrast depending on what colour fibre you’re spinning. And pockets on each end, that you can access from whichever side you’re using. Brilliant. The parts that aren’t dark brown or white (in other words, the border and the pockets) are made from a kind of minty turquoise paisley, which does not match my office at all, or indeed anything I own. I don’t care.

2. An advance reading copy of Emily (The Pirate Queen) Horner’s first published book, A Love Story Starring My Dead Best Friend, due out from the Penguin Group in June 2010. Montreal NaNo participants circa 2002-ish will remember her as Emily The Pirate Queen; I remember her fondly as my personal nemesis. And I am so freaking proud of her.

I also have a deadline. But you may have one of those, too.