What I Read in July 2009

The Spinner’s Companion by Bobbie Irwin
The Cello Suites: J.S. Bach, Pablo Casals, and the Search for a Baroque Masterpiece by Eric Siblin
Sister Bernadette’s Barking Dog: The Quirky History and Lost Art of Diagramming Sentences by Kitty Burns Florey
Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit by Nahoko Uehashi
Making an Elephant by Graham Swift
Seven for a Secret by Elizabeth Bear
Secret Adventures of Charlotte Bronte by Laura Joh Rowland
Moon Called by Patricia Briggs
Angel: After the Fall vol. 1 by Whedon et al.
Angel: After the Fall vol. 2: First Night by Whedon et al.
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies by Jane Austen with editing and additions by Seth Grahame-Smith
Buffy: Omnibus vol. 2 by Whedon et al.
Buffy: Omnibus vol. 1 by Whedon et al.
Joy of Spinning by Marilyn Kluger
Julie and Julia by Julie Powell
Spook Country by William Gibson
Sorceress by Celia Rees
Witch Child by Celia Rees
Fatal Voyage by Kathy Reichs
Death du Jour by Kathy Reichs

7 thoughts on “What I Read in July 2009

  1. Ceri

    I’m looking forward to hearing what you think of Moribito!

    Actually, if Blade is interested, you’re welcome to pass the volumes upstairs. I don’t know if he’s seen Guardian of the Sacred Spirit or not (we will be buying the DVDs as soon as the complete set is available.)

  2. Phnee

    I am so very jealous of your ability to get so much reading done in a given month. I think I didn’t manage more than six or seven books in all of July. Very frustrating.

    How did you like Julie & Julia? I’ve been trying to find out what Julia Child’s reaction was to the book, but have had no success. Did you know there’s a movie coming out with Meryl Streep in it? Eeeee!

  3. Blade

    @ Ceri,

    Dunno about Sacred Spirit, We’ve seen the first 3 vols of Moribito, latest disc hasn’t been in since it’s come out (at least when I’m at the rental place anyway)

  4. Ceri

    “Guardian of the Sacred Spirit” is the subtitle of Moribito in Japanese.

    If you’re enjoying it, I think you’d like the books. That’s if you think you’d read them.

  5. Autumn Post author

    Phnee – Light; interesting to me because I read the blog itself for a while way back when. Julia Child ‘s reaction is unknown, because she died before the book came out. :P (But the book does talk about how various journalists tried to get Child’s reaction while the blog project was happening, and they didn’t get far.) Worth the read, but not too deep. Good summer fare.

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