I think I’ll procrastinate a while longer.

Funny how I manage to work myself up into excitement over writing when I’m doing something else; I use it as a carrot. “Just think – when you’re done this, you can go write!” I can fool myself pretty well, right up until the point where I finish whatever work I’m doing, stand up to go to the laptop, and… well, maybe I’ll get another cup of tea. Hmm, I’ll check my e-mail. You know, I’ve been typing for three hours; I should reward myself by sitting down with a book.

Ceri and I met yesterday for our weekly check-up-on-each-other’s-creativity luncheon, and we commiserated over the tactics our minds create to escape actually committing anything to paper. During university, my favourite way to avoid working on a paper was to wash my hair. Now, it’s blogging. So I understood completely when Ceri looked at me and said, “I have no pages for you today. But I wrote that post on democracy.”

So she did. It’s a terrific post, too. I felt a bit embarrassed when I handed her my thirteen pages, though; guilty, almost. I buried myself in a magazine while she read them, half reading it, half dreading her reaction. I was pleased and (again) slightly embarrassed to note three out-loud laughs and at least one out-loud comment in the middle of it. She squared the pages at the end of it and said, “So, when do I get the next installment? This is terrific!” and away we went, discussing characters, scenes, and so forth. She asked if I knew where it was going; no, of course not, I said. I do have a vague idea; developments occur to me as I write, and I file them away to bring up later when it’s time, but I don’t have a point by point outline of everything that will happen. I know that I’m finding things out as my main character finds them out. Unlike her, however, I know roughly what’s going on in her environment and her society, so I’m one up on her already.

It’s odd. This is the first contemporary work I’ve ever done. I have piles and piles of fantasy tucked away – short stories, a novel, novellas, most set in a world I created which has been developing for about sixteen years now. My only ventures into anything remotely different have been two or three urban fantasies I’ve written, one which I even finished but exists only in longhand. I also never expected to write a comedy, which is what genre this ongoing work most definitely falls into. In all respects, this is a huge departure for me. I’m enjoying it immensely.

Not enough, obviously, to stop blogging and get over to the laptop and pick up where I left off, though.

I will. I will do it.

Although I so desperately want to curl up with Howards End