New words today: 4,035
Total word count, Orchestrated: 14,646
You see? This is what I can do when I walk away from the Internet-enabled desktop and work on the borrowed iBook in the living room.
Worked some plot-advancement stuff, character stuff, something like five new scenes, and OMG bang there we are at the next major plot upset that forces the protagonist to prepare for battle.
I feel really, really good. And I swear I just opened the file thinking, All I have to do is five hundred words. Five hundred words now, maybe five hundred words later, and that will be a thousand, and that’s good for the day. Except two hours and a half later, there are four thousand new words, and eep.
Ye gods. Things are a quarter of the way along. Where’s a word meter? I need a word meter for this entry.
14,646 / 60,000
(24.4%) |
Holy crap! That’s a lotta words! GO YOU!
It is a lot of words. I added what, a thirdish more to the story? Yikes.
That’s a huge hunka story you’ve got there!