10 thoughts on “No, No, No, No, NO

  1. Paze

    Oh my f—ing head. Just the fact that they’ve made Will into an American is enough to make me want to never see this movie, or any of its sequel spawn. This is really depressing news.

  2. Ceri

    A temple full of snakes?

    How much you wanna bet they made him 13 so he can have a Love Interest To Attract The Female Audience?

  3. Owldaughter Post author

    I found one there, and restored it. It was most likely the age and reference to love interest that sent it into moderation. :)

    But that’s the only one.

  4. Paze

    A shopping mall means that at least these bozos had the sense to know that they couldn’t convincingly put a Pepsi vending machine in a church or a 9th century smithy.

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