The metro was delayed at an early station this morning; I got into work at 9:15 and didn’t even get to sit down before being told that the recording session I was consulting on was beginning right now somewhere else, not on-site. So I was escorted there by a cheerful guy whose name I didn’t catch, got there for 9:30, and four hours later I am free once more. Starving, because I was planning on grabbing breakfast here, and I dropped my satchel with my Thermos of tea in it before I hurried off, so I had nothing with me.
Regretfully, our recording session was told to go with US pronunciation, which saddens me because I have spent so much time making this dictionary as neutral as possible as regards spelling and region-specific words. Pretty much everyone agrees that it would have been ideal to have NA and UK specific versions of the product, but we have to make compromises.
Also, this morning I was sad to discover that playing the DS on the metro makes me very motion sick. Argh. And before that, I discovered that when Liam ran off with my watch last night I hadn’t paid attention to where he put it, and so this morning I couldn’t find it at all before I left.
Our room is currently empty except for four other people, because it’s the project party today. I’m going to be able to concentrate really well.
No use; I’m past my hunger now. I got a big panini sandwich from the downstairs cafe, but I could only eat half of it. Sigh. The heavy hard crust is hurting my chapped lips, too, and they put mayo on it instead of dijon mustard. Alas.
Wow, do I ever want to be home. And it would be so easy to go, too, with everyone gone. Except I have a pile of work to do. So much for concentrating well.
Heh. The guys who stayed to work are currenlty playing Guitar Hero. Hey, what can I say; it’s a summer Friday with no one around. I think we’re all in that kind of headspace.
I have absolutely zero focus. This is a bad thing.
If lexicography is the activity or job of writing dictionaries, how does one define the editing of a dictionary?
I’m sorry, the brain you require is not available at the moment. Please call again. (I am beginning to see the usefulness of handhelds. I couldn’t research or read like this either; I’d retain nothing. But I could play.)
Just came back from a quick hello to Darroch and Ann on their way out. I can tell that I’m out of it; I was wandering conversation-wise with little awareness of what I was saying. If this were to occur regularly it would be a bad habit.
Illusive allusion. Heh. Wordplay resulting from proximity in the dbase.
Yes, I am tired. Ironically, I’m beginning to settle into a rhythm.
On the way home:
Me: So the guy taking me to the recording session asked me what my French accent was.
HRH: Did you tell him “enunciation”?
Me: *dies*
(My escort thought I was francophone like him, and we were conversing in French, which is what makes this all the more amusing.)