ESTC Update — Downhill All The Way Total word count, ESTC: 40,035 Total words today and yesterday: 1,508 40,035 / 50,000(80.1%) Yikes; less than 10K to go. At least there now exist three pages’ worth of Chapter Two.
jan October 15, 2006 at 5:53 pm Woo! Isn’t it amazing how tiny the last 10K always looks compared to the first 10K?
Owldaughter Post authorOctober 16, 2006 at 3:12 pm Like looking through the opposite end of a telescope, yes. Ack.
Woo! Isn’t it amazing how tiny the last 10K always looks compared to the first 10K?
Like looking through the opposite end of a telescope, yes. Ack.