Daily Archives: February 28, 2010

What I Read in February 2010

A Love Story, Starring My Dead Best Friend by Emily Horner
Alden Amos’ Big Book of Handspinning by Alden Amos
Deep Secret by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
Remarkable Creatures by Tracey Chevalier
The Unbearable Lightness of Scones by Alexander McCall Smith
Dates From Hell by Kim Harrison et al
Food Rules by Michael Pollan
The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong
Knitter’s Book of Yarn by Clara Parkes
Knitter’s Book of Wool by Clara Parkes
Time Quake by Linda Buckley-Archer
Death in the Cotswolds by Rebecca Tope

The big news this month is A Love Story, Starring My Dead Best Friend by Emily Horner.

Full disclosure: Emily and I are acquainted.

The good news: This has nothing to do with how much I enjoyed the book.

It was a thoughtful and heartfelt exploration of how the protagonist works through her sense of self and place when her best friend dies. Except it isn’t linear; Emily has performed an excellent balancing act addressing what happens before the death, what happens in the immediate storyline, and the bike journey the protagonist goes on between the two. It’s all woven together incredibly well, and my hat is off to her; I never could have done it.