No, really. The weather is nice, I had an okay weekend, I slept decently, I was looking forward to working.
Then a couple of stupid things happened that got under my skin, things that would have rolled off my back on most other days. The latest was condescending communication from someone whose classified ad I queried about this morning. (You may never speak to me again, but didn’t your mother teach you that you should be polite to people anyway as a rule? Also, reading non-present intent into my very clear query and shutting me down by answering something I didn’t ask was rather insulting, as was telling me you’d already made the sale to someone less fussy because your item was priced so inexpensively.)
We have a clothesline again, thank gods. On the other hand, the boy is now big enough that the clothesline can only hold half a regular load of his laundry. Also on that other hand, I can’t find the little brace that holds the upper and lower parts of the line together, and half our clothespegs have disappeared. I’ll add them to the ongoing list of household things to pick up. (Hey, we only just succeeded in picking up rechargeable batteries that were put on the list a month ago, and the clothesline that broke late last fall.)
We enjoyed a lovely belated birthday dinner of ribs at my inlaws’ house on Saturday, before which HRH and the boy played in the pool. The boy got to the point where he was jumping off the side of the pool into HRH’s arms and going for rides around the shallow to mid-deep areas. Much progress made from the nervous boy he was in pools at the beginning of the summer; very good.
The weekend consisted of grocery shopping, a haircut for the boy, going to the bookstore, more grocery shopping, working in the vegetable garden, and a game on Sunday night. The boy and I messed about with our cellos on Sunday, too, and he conducted me as I played Twinkle. This was amusing because he was beating very slowly in two, and would get distracted in the middle and stop, then wonder why I wasn’t playing.
HRH has promised to finish the inserts for my modified cello case today so I can cover them and get the cello back into the hard case in the corner, instead of having both the hard case there and the cello in the soft case on my office floor. I’m increasingly nervous about the boy and the insane cats going in and out of my room.
Must release the crankiness. Must work.