Daily Archives: November 19, 2008

This Afternoon’s Writing

Here’s another update. Yeah, I wrote more on Orchestrated too, because it was there.

New words today: 1,551
Total word count, Orchestrated: 52,126

Harpsichord Dreams:
New words today: 1,026
Total word count, Harpsichord Dreams: 4,261

This update: 2,577

There was also a double batch of homemade macaroni and cheese made and a half hour of cello practised. I even pulled out the metronome.

I am very tired. But satisfied.

Got another evaluation assignment. If I had more copyedits to handle on my hearthcraft book I’d be panicking, but I don’t, so I’m not. Muah-hah.

Orchestrated Update

Current total, Orchestrated: 50,485

New words, Nov 14: 1,043
New words, Nov 16+17+18: 3,225 (longhand now transcribed)

And onward.

ETA: Hey! We broke 50K! Let’s drag out the wordmeter:

Also, now that I have transcribed over four thousand words I have had my fill of this book for today. Well, that and I’m back at the ‘oh hell have to research that before I write it’ wall. I’ve already started working on Harpsichord Dreams. (Swan what? I can’t hear you, la la la.)

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
50,485 / 60,000


There were six edits in my copy-edited manuscript.


I’m done. Fifteen minutes, and I’m done.

I am in a severe state of shock from the disbelief.

And the only real error I had to correct? My (understandable) use of metric measurements instead of American Imperial.

I even double-checked with my editor, and she said that she’d cleaned up the copyeditor’s other marks which were mainly punctuation (not that there was a lot of that, either) so no, everything I saw was what there was to handle. Which means I said everything clearly and (one hopes) right the first time round. And that it’s good, and nothing raised a red flag or a question along the way.

I’m hanging on to the MS to look it over one more time to see if there’s something I want to add or tweak. I’ve promised not to do anything drastic that would require another editing pass.

But… really. Fifteen minutes. Compared to the other soul-rending gnashing anguish-filled experiences of handling the copyedits/rewrites on my other books… well, like I said, I’m just in shock. They’ve gotten better over the years, but. Still.


Which means… I get to write today.

I am so bookmarking this post to refer to in the future when I get down on myself about not being a good writer.